The Turn of the Screw
A History of Its Critical Interpretations
1898 - 1979
Edward J. Parkinson, PhD

This Saint Louis University PhD dissertation, published in 1991, surveys the criticism of The Turn Of The Screw from the novella's publication to 1980. It relates trends in The Turn Of The Screw criticism to developments in literary criticism and literary theory and discusses how the latter have been influenced by broader historical and cultural changes. In the course of this discussion other Jamesian works are analyzed. This is a valuable study for Jamesian scholars, as well as for students of literary theory - it can be seen as a study of the development of literary theory in the twentieth century with this particular literary work as a touchstone study.
Dr. Edward J. Parkinson
The author, Dr. Edward J. Parkinson, teaches in the Department of English and Journalism at Western Illinois University in Macomb, Illinois. You can reach Ed by e-mail. Click here!

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This site was last updated June 9, 2010.

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The Turn of the Screw: A History of Its Critical Interpretations 1898 - 1979 by Dr. Edward J. Parkinson
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